Do you believe that:

“Children can only aspire to what they know exists”?
“Experience is everything”?
“Learning is a satellite navigation system to better places in life”?

Are you ready to challenge the definition of insanity?

“Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results”.

If so, you are in the right place. A place where,

“Jean-Jacques Rousseau meets Willy Wonka”!


Ger Graus is a pioneer and a visionary.
His dedication and passion for making a positive impact on the lives of all children is truly inspirational.
You can't help but glow under his light.”

- Mohammed Isap, Co-Founder Tauheedul Education Trust

Meet Ger Graus

Professor Dr Ger Graus OBE is a renowned figure in the field of education. He was the first Global Director of Education at KidZania, and, prior to that, the founding CEO of the Children’s University.

In the 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, Ger Graus was made an Honorary Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his services to children.


 Keynote Topics

  • Education and Schooling

  • Leadership and Management

  • Equality, Equity and Reality

  • Futures Awareness aka Careers Education

  • Innovation and Creativity

  • Experience-Based Learning

  • The Importance of Early Years

  • Wellbeing

  • Business for Good: Return on Investment versus Return on Involvement

  • Entrepreneurship, Schooling and the World of Work

  • EdTech

  • Edutainment

  • Measuring What We Value: Research and Evaluation



KidZania is an interactive city for children 1-14 that combines inspiration, fun, and learning through realistic role-play. Kids can independently explore a scaled city of over 7,000 square meters with more than 100 exciting careers that they can try.

Fueled by a child’s natural desire to create, explore, and collaborate, KidZania is equal parts entertainment and learning, making it one of the most progressive family entertainment concepts in the world today.

Through ultrarealistic role-play, children learn about different careers, the inner workings of a city, and the concept of managing money. Each experience empowers kids, giving them the confidence to be their best selves and inspiration to be great global citizens. 

As KidZania's first-ever Director of Education, Ger was responsible for developing and implementing the education and learning partnership strategies of KidZania UK, including partnerships with schools, Higher Education, government, commercial, and third sectors.


Upcoming Appearances

Recent Appearances

Second ACS Doha Future Skills 2040

The ACS Doha Future Skills 2040 Event brought together international experts in education, technology, and business to equip attendees with insights into future job markets, it was explained. This event, along with the ACS Doha EDTech Conference, demonstrates ACS Doha's dedication to fostering innovation in education and providing a platform for educators and industry professionals to exchange ideas, nurturing a culture of continuous learning.

The Qatar Career Development Center (QCDC) organizes Career Village, an event that helps young people in Qatar identify and achieve their educational and career goals. The fifth edition of Career Village was held in April 2024 at KidZania, an interactive city, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE). The three-day event concluded with a panel discussion featuring internationally recognized career development and ed-tech experts.


“Ger's exceptional vision, total focus on developing the 'whole child', and ability to realize incredible opportunities for children outside of the classroom are inspiring. The fact that he was able to take this work to his role at KidZania where so many children on a global scale are able to experience these real-life inspirational 'eye openers' as I term them is not surprising given his energy and drive and belief in the 'hands on' experiences of the real world in developing young people. Eleven years and three organizations on after I first heard Ger first speak I am delighted that our children benefit from his contributions and leadership.”

- Hilary Macaulay Executive Headteacher and CEO


Bring Ger to your next event. Enchant and inspire your audience.

“The mind once enlightened, cannot again become dark”.

- Thomas Paine, Political Activist