Prof Dr. Ger Graus OBE, an iconic figure in the field of education, could be joining you to share his experience and expertise.

A renowned expert in educational innovation and community, including corporate, engagement, he was the first Global Director of Education at the world-famous children’s entertainment-education company, KidZania, and founding CEO of the Children’s University.

With his extensive experience at the very highest level of the learning industry, Ger Graus is a much sought-after keynote speaker and advisor for organisations globally on the future direction of education and employment.

Driven by his famous mantra that “Children can only aspire to what they know exists” Ger champions the cause of creativity, progress, equity, and innovation in learning and skills development.

Education Keynote Topics

Education and Schooling

Recognising the difference between and complementarity of schooling and education will lead to a culture of purpose and joy in learning and achievement.

Equality, Equity, and Reality

How well do we know our children? What do we know about them? If we focus on the person and their context and not the number, our chances of achieving greater Equality, Equity, and Reality is much enhanced. In the world of social mobility, there is no room for fake news, though!

Experience-Based Learning

Experience is everything. How we connect the real world with the classroom (or the office in the case of grown-ups) will determine the quality of our lifelong learning. The environment is the third teacher.

The Importance of Early Years

Why do we educationally invest at least three times as much in older students than younger ones? We water trees at the root and build our houses by starting with the foundation, yet in schooling and education, we almost ignore the first five years. There is a price to pay. The report card of life says: “Must do better!”


“There is too much Tech and not enough Ed!” We need to stop kidding ourselves that technology alone will provide all the solutions to all our problems. Good teachers (and good people) are the real answer. A journey from #GoodTech to #Tech4Good.


What has entertainment to offer to education and schooling? Is EduTainment just a money-spinning gimmick or can it really make difference?

Innovation and Creativity

Where is there room for creativity and innovation in a schooling world that is ever more about teaching and testing? Are we creating a world where entrepreneurship is the domain of the few and the rich?

Corporate Keynote Topics

Measuring What We Value

Or just continue to value what we can measure? What are our values? Who owns them and keeps them alive? The world of work will have to look beyond the Return on Investment motive to thrive. Values-driven enterprises in the 2020s and beyond will determine survival and success. Our approaches will have to change, whether in the classroom or in the boardroom.

Business for Good: Return on Investment versus Return on Involvement

What will determine success for the business of the future? For the business that needs to live with Generation Z and beyond? Is it simply a matter of return on investment and counting the profits? Or have we moved on, and is something more afoot? Will return on involvement determine how businesses become successful and how corporate and social responsibility sits at the center of this success? 

Leadership and Management

The key ingredients to organizational success. But who are the leaders, and who are the managers? Or is leadership a case of Johan Cruijff’s “Total Football”? Are we all leaders and are we all managers?

Futures Awareness, aka Careers and Skills Education

In a world where stereotypes are set early, and career exploration seems to be happening later and later, what are the chances for young people to be world-of-work ready and possess the broadest possible skill sets? How does schooling need to change, and how does the world of work need to come off the fence and lend a helping hand in the education of future workforces? 

The World of Work, Entrepreneurship, and Schooling

In a schooling world that is ever more about teaching and testing, where is there room for the creativity and innovation of entrepreneurship? Are we creating a world where entrepreneurship is the domain of the few and the rich? Should we not aim for everyone to be an entrepreneur, ranging from social to cultural and commercial entrepreneurship?

Recent Keynotes

Education and Schooling

Corporate / Business / Other